12-Week Immersive “Why Weight?” Program
Releasing Weight from Your Body & Life!
Due to the overwhelming success of our “Why Weight?” Program, I am excited to offer it as a downloadable video & audio library!
Do you want to…
This tried and true ‘follow-along’ program is streamlined for you to release unwanted weight and clutter from your body and life. You will be guided through with profound support, clearings, insights, recipes and bonuses to light the way to your ideal weight!
But this isn’t just about releasing weight – this program shifts your relationship to food and your body to help you move forward with boundless energy, renewed confidence and inspired purpose.
This program is based on ancient Ayurvedic practices as well as modern scientific and medical discoveries to help you literally ‘let go’ of excess weight by burning fat as fuel. I have personal experience with it and know of many, many people who have used it to great success.
“I feel this is the most effective, healthy and
delicious program of its kind ever offered.” -JN
We start with a type of gentle ‘cleanse’ based on Panchakarma – but also including Ancestral Clearing to support you with meaningful shifts that can last a lifetime. Everything is ‘modifiable’ and you can choose from gentle to extreme – depending on your goals, commitment and any health concerns.
The program can be vegan (except for ghee), vegetarian, or with eventual animal protein if you so choose. We will address cravings for processed food and sugars including any emotional connections to unhealthy eating. This includes clearing cravings, etcetera. We will share recipes and suggestions, but you make it your own – as per your lifestyle.
You will also receive the Prepping/Cooking videos and a bonus video for “Boosting Your Will-Power”. This can be played anytime things feel like a struggle or if you notice any patterns of self-sabotage or procrastination creeping in.
And best of all…
- You won’t be hungry
- You won’t be counting calories
- And you’ll leave your sugar/carb cravings behind
- Keeping up with the kids/grandkids
- Going on that long-awaited vacation
- Feeling great in a body you are proud of
A few people’s experiences from the program…
Hear how Michael lost 50+ pounds with the program
Krista: “I have had such fabulous ‘all over life success’ and weight loss from the program. I have lost over 30 lbs. The support through the calls and clearings really made it possible. It opened up this new spacious capacity that allowed love and awareness of truly how the body is where God lives. So incredible. Thank you!”
Jennifer: “I started the Why Weight cleanse on November 25th. Deep down I knew that carbs were keeping me from feeling my best. I did it for my own neurological and emotional health. I ended up losing 7 pounds in 14 days and I have remained steady there. I no longer crave carbs like I used to, nor do I feel so anxious or irritable.”
Kasey: “The program was EXACTLY what I needed. I lost 12 pounds and feel clear, capable and a sense of peace. With the seasonally affective disorder I usually experienced this time of year – I continued to feel light and happiness and for the first time ever. What a huge bonus miracle! Your support was above and beyond and the program has truly been life-changing for me. With deepest gratitude!”
Lisa: “I was, I am, so grateful for your dedication, your talents, your willingness to give all you have and then give some more. The clearings were as deep as any I’ve experienced in all these years of ‘John Calls.’ I got So Much from this program. I now have a mindfulness of food – and it’s Proper Place in my life, that I totally hadn’t had before.. This program has given me the tools, the support, and the prayers to move beyond a visceral terror that I’d lived for over 40 years. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!”
Linda: “I would always reach for sweets or snacks as a way of numbing out. I learned that I can change how and why I eat. I have lost almost thirty pounds and have gone from a size xxl to m/l. Thank you so much. With much gratitude and love.”
Kay: “I released 19 pounds of body weight and a whole bunch of burden!!! My body moves with more ease to do everything- walking up stairs, bending over, flexibility and my vision is better today than it has been for months. Your Recipe Works for Life are invaluable….Thank you so very much for featuring this program amongst all your offerings. With Infinite Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings.”
The Program Layout
(Everything is downloadable!)
Program Preparation
Everything is accessible from your landing page – with links to the guide for the cleanse (gentle or extreme), delicious and simple recipes, shopping lists, cooking videos, plus the Launch and Wrap Party Videos as well as bonus workshops and support audios throughout…
90 Min Kick-Off Party via video
The introduction to this profound path. The ‘morphic field’ of your ideal weight begins… John shares some origins of the program and profound insights to support your experience – including residual attachments from our ancestors. We discuss emotional connections to weight, as well as offer clearings for everyone. We will also be addressing recipe/prep questions and any other concerns.
Week 1:
Our 20+ minute support calls start on ‘Day 2’ and continue (after experiencing the Kick-Off Party). We address any ‘getting started’ resistance and offer clearings for what may be coming up around ‘change’ and following through. We also address getting over the ‘hump’ that some people experience starting anything this ‘life-changing’. As with all calls, lots of clearings throughout!
Weeks 2-6:
20+ minute calls for continued support and to share insights and clearings. We also discuss modifications to the program. Hunger wanes for most of us. Allowing the continuation of ketosis as the weight comes off. Keeping our motivation through what shows up in our life experience. Framing up getting back on the program lovingly if we’ve ‘gotten off the train’.
Weeks 7-9
20+ minute support calls…making sure we are all on track and feeling good. Discussing ‘body types’ and how some of us are different in our experience. Not counting calories, but being mindful when we introduce additional foods. Addressing alcohol, etc. in our life. Questions around program experience are addressed.
Week 10
Holiday and other event support – A special video with clearings to support you during these sometimes challenging events. Discussing options and delegating certain types of food/beverages as treats instead of compulsions. Discuss ‘Prayer for Releasing Weight’ and it’s powerful support in our life. Questions around program experience are addressed.
Week 11
Post event/holiday support call. Resolving judgments that may arise with choices we make/made. Reminding ourselves that it’s not about yesterday – but getting ‘back on the train’ where ever we are. Discussing supplements… Questions around program experience are addressed.
Week 12
90 min Wrap Party – to celebrate and make sure we are good to move forward with upcoming holidays and of course with life! More modifications and discussion for gentle but permanent lifestyle changes. Questions around program experience are addressed.
Video bonuses to support your journey
(Value of the bonuses alone surpasses $350 since
they weren’t previously available as a download)
- Workshop: “Finding Your Ideal Weight”
– Your body is your interface with this physical reality and everything in it. In this comprehensive workshop, we share insights, techniques and offer clearings to support finding and sustaining your ideal physical form. - Workshop: “Clearings for Cravings, Addictions & Allergies”
– Utilizing a unique approach, John simplifies the deeper roots of unhealthy food cravings, allergies and addictions and offers clearings and other techniques for releasing the framework that keeps them in play. - Bonus Video: “Boosting Will-Power”
– A powerful tool to utilize whenever resistance or procrastination comes out to play. Clearings offered for hurts and wrongs in your life and lineage (ancestors) – especially around unhealthy coping and avoidance patterns.
A few more shares…
Natalie: My goal was to lose 20 pounds – and lost the 20th pound on Thanksgiving! I am SO excited! And of course many other things are changing for the better too. This was absolutely amazing and effortless. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
Phillipa: I’ve lost 14cm off my waist; 5cm off my hips; 9 cm off my tummy! I feel really great ‘energy wise’ and love the stable energy source from fat burning instead of blood sugar fluctuations throughout the day. Also my mood feels more positive, I feel lighter in my spirit and my work with horses has deepened, feeling more connected within myself and with them. My creativity has also opened up and I feel like I’m more in the flow of life than ever before. I’m so grateful as I feel a sense of alignment for what is in my heart like never before, A million Thank-yous to John for this amazing experience.
Mary: A year ago, I weighed 144 lbs and was snacking my way through stress at the office. Today I weigh 111 and feel great. Without this program, I would not have been able to pull this off on my own, as I have tried many times. Thanks for the 20 plus calls, which really helped as I could clear things that were coming up. Much Love & Gratitude.
Shannon: This program has really made a huge difference in my life. I recently told my husband I don’t ever recall feeling this good. Thank you both so much!! I’m way more in tune with am I truly hungry? OR am I just wanting to use food to temporarily feel better. This is a HUGE shift for me! I’m also way more aware and listen to when I’m satisfied and done eating instead of eating more than my body really needs.
Marissa: This program has been amazing and has really helped me catapult my ability to see patterns that are no longer serving me and to unravel them with ease. Thank you so much! I get to choose…if I eat it or not. I am power-full this way.
Susan: The unbelieveable happened : I lost weight!! This program is different. I really enjoyed each week! I looked forward to listening to the Bonus Video after my meditation every day – they have been a true blessing. I love all the effects it is having on my life, my health and my family! Not only did I loose weight, I found a program that will work for me whenever I want or need it.
Please Note
- No refunds once the workshop videos and materials are sent out.
- Any medical or nutritional questions must be directed to a medical professional/nutritionist
- This program is not a substitute for guidance and care of your doctor. IF you have any medical issues or conditions, please consult with your doctor before signing up as well as during the program as needed.
- As with any program of this kind – we cannot guarantee results since there are factors beyond our control.
John Newton’s Bio
Since the 1980’s, John Newton has been helping people enjoy profound physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being. After an awakening in his late 20’s, John’s ability to help people deepened profoundly. As he describes: “The veils lifted, revealing an experience of absolute one-ness.” In this pure awareness – John helps people clear the unresolved negative imprints and limiting beliefs from their life and family lineage. He sees this kind of work also having an effect at the soul level of our being.
Tens of thousands around the world have reported dramatic changes through this work.
John has used these techniques with profound results in hospitals and clinical environments including Cedars-Sinai Hospital, University of Southern California Medical Center and The Betty Ford Center in their Pain Management program. He also offers trainings to health care professionals and anyone who wants to make a difference in their own life as well as in the lives of their family members and communities.