Beginning July 8th:  Four Live Ancestral Clearing
and Knowledge Sessions

april ancestral clearinng series
Beginning July 8th
, join us for our four-week  Ancestral Clearing & Knowledge Sessions to help you live your life free from ancestral burdens – often referred to as karma – that block you from living a deeply fulfilling life.

True fulfillment can elude us when we carry energetic debris from our current life as well as our ancestral lineage.

ancestral clearing seriesSpiritual leaders have been hinting for thousands of years that we carry the imprints of our ancestors. Recent science has been validating this by acknowledging epigenomes: Sequences of amino acids that attach to our DNA and store ancestral trauma, adversity and limitation. They are measurable and can even skip generations.

See for yourself what living your life free from negative ancestral imprints feels like.

For over 35 years John has assisted people all over the world in clearing these blocks and burdens. Many report dramatic increases in their physical, emotional, spiritual and financial well-being. Many even experience “waking up” to their true and eternal nature, consciousness itself – and begin to live their lives free from suffering.


  • Week 1: Monday, July 8th at 5:30 PM Pacific: “Discovering & Manifesting Physical And Emotional Well-Being”
  • Week 2: Monday, July 15th at 5:30 PM Pacific: “Discovering & Manifesting Overflowing Abundance”
  • Bonus: Saturday, July 20th at 9 AM Pacific – Bonus Personal Interaction Call (45+ minutes)
  • Week 3: Monday, July 22nd at 5:30 PM Pacific: “Discovering & Manifesting Enlightened Relationships”
  • Week 4: Monday, July 29th at 5:30 PM Pacific: “Discovering & Manifesting Spiritual Awakening”


When you register for this event, you will receive:

  • Multiple Ancestral Clearings during each weekly session
  • Life-changing knowledge that will further illuminate your direct experiences
  • Live Q and A where John will answer your questions and work directly with individuals
  • Powerful healing “prayers” to use at home between sessions to accelerate your progress
  • Continued access to all calls for the entire month of July

Special Bonus for July:
This month John is also offering a special free bonus for all registrants:
Downloadable Video & Audio Bonus: “The Path of Excitement!”

What people are saying about Remote Group Sessions:

I was on a group call when you did a long distance clearing. I wasn’t expecting to feel anything with so many people on the line but the energy even thousands of miles away was palpable. And not only did my headache go away, I haven’t had one since. That is an absolute miracle for me.”                                                Rochelle, United Kingdom

“Since we interacted on the group call a couple of weeks ago, my jaw, neck and hip are now pain free.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!”                   Kathy, California

Ancestral Clearing and Knowledge Series

Special Bonus for July*



Advanced Ancestral Clearing Program
Ancestral Clearing and Knowledge Series

Special Bonus for July*


(discount available for a limited time only)

Special Bonus for July:
This month John is also offering a special free bonus for all registrants:
Downloadable Video & Audio Bonus: “The Path of Excitement!”


  • Call in details will be sent on the Monday of each call. 
  • All evening calls will start at 5:30 Pacific Time, and a link to the replay will be sent within a few hours of the live call.
  • If you can’t attend the call live, the benefits are equally as powerful when listening to the recording that will be available to all registrants.
  • All recordings will be available through the end of July.

Refunds will be issued only prior to the first replay being sent out.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: John Newton and/or Health Beyond Belief (Author) present the entire contents of this website for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. In presenting this information, no attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles to provide diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Any techniques the author or publisher address only pertain to the underlying spiritual issues that may affect human well-being.

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