Consciousness Is the Great Equalizer

Consciousness allows us to see the truth that sets us free. When we judge or label things that don’t feel good, such as pain, it takes us out of the experience and into the mind. This is the lie of suffering. The mind wants to understand and analyze the situation. This is it’s feeble attempt to find a way around it.
The way out is through.
True help however, doesn’t come through the mind. To be or not to be – we can’t have both. To let go of the judgmental mind is to experience being. This is the ‘I Am’ presence where we are one with the Creator of all-that-is. It is in that being-ness with ‘The Infinite’ that revelation happens and the clearing can unfold. Our experience in this is unlimited because our consciousness is unlimited.
Once we accept the truth, the truth sets us free. Accepting ‘what is’ internally and not in the mind, reveals the Kingdom of Heaven that is within. – John Newton, from his Free Ancestral Clearing & Knowledge Call, 30 Dec 15 www.healthbeyondbelief #AncestralClearing #ComplementaryHealing #Forgiveness #JohnNewton
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.
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