Surrender to the Truth

When you consider aspects of your life, what do you feel? Access a sense of family, relationship, work, finance or physical health. Do you notice something that feels like it needs attention? You don’t have to look for it. You don’t have to go into it. Just feel it in your body. Surrender to the intelligence inside.
You’ll notice that you feel a charge to anything that needs attention. It will feel less than optimal. You’re not going into the story around it, you’re just going into the sensation that arises when you consider it. Always go deeper into the sensation. If we did that in life, we’d reach a point where there’s no more depth – just pure surrender.
The Truth Really Does Set Us Free
This is surrendering to truth. The truthful experience of this moment in all facets. This includes the awareness of what’s going on in the body. We have a body and it is our instrument. It’s is our vehicle for this life experience. It’s our interface with physical reality. Being in our body give us more access to living. It gives us more access to feeling.
Healing and resolution arise when we are present. This is our access to the higher power of our understanding and it’s intelligence. This experience of letting go through forgiveness is what this work is about. – John Newton from his July Monday Call Series #AncestralClearing #forgiveness #consciousness #ComplementaryHealing
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.