Ending Chronic Pain

For people that suffer from chronic pain, life can be a constant struggle. Chronic pain can make it impossible for them to see who they would be without it. Over time the brain forms neural pathways that form a closed loop of suffering. If we want help ending chronic pain, we must look outside of this vicious circle.
More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. That’s more than a third of the population. The estimates for the financial cost of this are now around $650 billion a year in the United States alone. When something hurts, the majority of people ignore it, or take a pill so that it goes away. That’s like a pilot covering up an engine warning light instead of landing the plane and addressing the problem.
If you think about it, it’s quite absurd that we try and get rid of the very thing that’s trying to get our attention. I am not saying not to take pills. I am suggesting however, that we might want to look deeper into the root of it. The cause of why our body isn’t healing on it’s own needs addressing. We have a highly sensitive nervous system and it gives us feedback on virtually every experience we have. If we don’t give our attention to the subtle warning signs, they tend to get bigger over time – often turning into chronic experiences.
A way out of chronic pain
What this work and many studies have shown is that chronic physical pain and unresolved emotional hurts are often intertwined. We are not discounting actual injuries, conditions or even our diagnosis. However, when things aren’t healing on their own, we may need to look deeper. It may serve us to see old emotional hurts that may be creating stress in our lives. This are unresolved experiences that our bodies still remember. Studies show that stress not only affects our ability to heal, but also a myriad of other aspects of life. When we resolve this stress at the root level, this may help us align with a life free of pain. A life of possibility.
Your body is intelligent.
Our bodies are intelligent. We evolved from primordial soup. This intelligence inside of us is like an organic supercomputer. It has access to far more than the mind. Our brain is more like a hard drive with a fixed amount of memory. Our inner Intelligence that is beyond the mind, is unlimited because our consciousness is unlimited. The only limitation to consciousness is our experience of it – the depth to which we surrender to it.
Are you committed to ending chronic pain? They say if we keep doing the same thing, we get the same result. Are you willing to try something new? Do you want to experience something more profound than current scientific understanding? How much are we willing to get out of our own way? You can be right, or you can be well. We can’t always have both. ~ John Newton from his April Call Series: “The Gift of Pain” www.healthbeyondbelief.com
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
#AncestralClearing #consciousness #ChronicPain #TheGiftOfPain #ComplementaryHealing
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.