Aging Powerfully

I see this life we are living as a chapter in a book. It is one chapter however, and not the whole story. If we we want to experience aging powerfully, we must release our attachments to the past. The more we clear and resolve things that are not of our truth and embrace more consciousness; the more God or Source perspective we have. It is in this ‘now’ experience, the more powerful we become throughout the book of our soul.
Is your life story worth reading?
Are you enjoying the story of your life? If it were available in print, would you consider it a valuable read? Ideally, we want our life to be exciting and lived full-out. If we are playing small, this could be a major regret at the end of this life chapter. Are you okay with that? Often times people live a default life of ‘just getting by’. If this your experience, chances are since you’ve read this far, you are ready for something new; something more.
Consider two distinct perspectives: There’s fate – a beginning and an end to this chapter and it is determined ahead of time as it is already written. This is true from one perspective. But from the perspective of this work, you’re shifting from what was written over to the blank page of the present moment. This is where all paths are available and any story can now be written no matter what has come before.
Aging powerfully sometimes requires a little work.
So many seek the easy way – the quick fix, particularly as we face aging. Sometimes we discover the greatest rewards when we move through a bit of resistance and not around it. This is not unlike giving birth. Our free will is like a muscle and the more we use it, the stronger it gets. No pain, no gain as they say.
As you work through and release old resentments, regrets and other karma from the past and embrace more consciousness, all bets are off. You are sliding your frequency to a another perspective that includes an entirely different version of the book. When you live in this ‘write-as-you-go’ perspective of all possibility, you’re a completely different being in every moment. In conclusion, this end of the chapter is just another beginning.” ~John Newton from his weekly call series
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here. #Consciousness #AncestralClearing #Forgiveness #ComplementaryHealing
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.