Commitment to Waking Up

Healing is an inside job that requires commitment. We may find professional help ‘out there’, but the first step is in our commitment. Commitment is the mother of necessity. Often we reach a point of suffering when we will do whatever it takes. This is a blessed moment on one’s journey. You have broken the cycle of ignorance.
The root meaning of healing is simple: To make whole again; wholeness; holy. It’s about saying yes to what lives at the deepest place inside of us. This is where we can reclaim our well-being in a real and profound way.
Where Do We Start?
There is a reason for commitment in our lives. It’s not there as a random, haphazard, one-foot-out-of-the-door circumstance. When we commit to something, we commit to our ‘Self’. We commit to the Infinite. By doing whatever it takes to wake up in the process. We are all-in no matter what it takes. That’s a powerful commitment.
Being committed means we are willing. This is not traditional will power of the mind. This is will of our entire being. A willingness is all that’s necessary to begin our journey. Who would we be with our new commitment? Who would we be without the painful past, our stress and dis-ease? If we don’t know, and we are okay with not knowing – then you are ready. You have set forces in motion and in motion they will stay.
When you’re really ready on all levels, it’s not about time. It’s about timing. And it’s not about ‘if’ – it’s about when. Since it’s all here in the present moment with you, it’s not even about when anymore. It’s about being in the flow of who you really are. That is right now.” – John Newton
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.
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