We don’t often equate the humility with ‘power’. Over the ages, humanity has sought power ‘out there’ and in turn looked to dominate people and the environment. This has been to the detriment of millions of souls, as well as the Earth itself. Don’t you feel it’s time for a new paradigm? Let’s see how the power of humility works.
Humility or humble means to lower ourself. This may sound undesirable or even negative to the mind. It is not. Active humility shifts our identity with the ego or false ‘I’ to our true eternal nature. The paradox of this is without constraints of the small ‘I’, we find higher ground. When we truly humble ourselves, we live with The Creator. We live with that which authored All That Is. All of the holy texts ever written can’t hold a candle to you having this direct experience.
The Earth Needs ‘You’
It is simple physics. The more of ‘me’ in my life, the less of the Creator. The more Creator, the less of ‘me’. If you look a bit deeper into the root meaning of humility, it comes from ‘humus’, which means earth. This is where the ‘lower ourself’ come from. Again, this is not debasing or meant in an unworthiness sense. To assume this would be a mistake of the intellect. We are simply acknowledging our connection to the earth.
There are two halves of the same coin of existence. One is making peace with the limited human part of ourself. The other is accepting the cosmic and eternal version of us that’s always present. When this occurs, we may notice something magical. We can have our spiritual cake and eat it too. Just trade the little “i” point of view for what the big “I” offers. – John Newton from his weekly call series topic: “The Power of Humility” http://www.johnnewton.com
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.
#Consciousness #Humility #AncestralClearing #ComplementaryHealing
With gratitude to www.nasaimages.com for use of the image of M80 (NGC6093)