Revelation in the Stillness

Finding stillness in this moment reveals what you feel inside. When you stop all of the outer seeking, desperation, and chaos – you find truth. A deeper awareness in the body – the sensations you are present to. This leads to a revelation of something more. When you let go of labeling and judging whatever it is you feel inside, you connect to the intelligence woven with it.
Are you willing to do nothing?
Stillness doesn’t mean there’s not an outer action. People may think one should sit in a cave and not do anything. This would be the mind’s interpretation of stillness and one would be missing the mark. The paradox of living in this experience of stillness is that more gets done and in a way that far exceeds the mind’s ability. Furthermore it gets done in a way that serves our heart, our lives, and our community.
You are so much more than you think.
When action springs from the part of us that’s always still, we are living the truth that sets us free. This aspect of us is beyond the limitations of time and space. One could even say this well of stillness is the revelation of intuition. This is how you can feel contracted when you meet someone new as your body tells you not to date them. You may have just avoided a long and painful relationship experience! When we listen, this well provides all that we truly need on our journey. It provides it in the perfect order that serves us. Welcome home! -John Newton
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. Â You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
John Newton considers his work to be complementary to the work of doctors, therapists, and other health care practitioners, not an alternative to their care.
Experience a life of possibility by releasing the past with Ancestral Clearing. You can watch free videos to support your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being here.
#Consciousness #AncestralClearing #Forgiveness #ComplementaryHealing